Friday, August 1, 2008

Catching Up

I haven' blogged in awhile, I know.

I'm still plugging along at NCO. Its still not the best job in the world, but its still a job.

I've been trying to find ways to relax when I'm not at work. I've been steadily building up quite a nice sized iTunes library. I've also been trying to jog a couple times a week.

That's all fro now

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The End is Near

After three months, I've finally nearing the end of my NCO training. I will "graduate" this coming Friday. Its an amazing accomplishment for me and I'm extremely proud of myself for sticking it through to the end. I'm also relieved that after this week I won't have any early mornings- waking up at 4am and standing half asleep outside in the cold waiting for the bus.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

My job at NCO is keeping me really busy. I've been there about a month now and I've got into some semblance of a routine. I got work and I sleep when I can. I've really got alot of balls up in the air. NOT!

I've finally started reading again which I used to do a lot, when I had a lot more time. I picked up the His Dark Materials trilogy from Borders last week and I'm really enjoying it so far.